Tracking Tag Defaults & Sweden Sprint Release Notes

By Khaled Azar Webinars

The following is a video that reviews our Sweden Release feature list as well as tracking tag best practices for default settings. I have put the notes on tracking tag best defaults notes first for easier access.

Brax Tracking Tag Defaults and Sweden Release from Brax

Tracking Tag Defaults

All tracking parameters should be added to the campaign level except the Brax , , and . This is because all other variable are passed to the network and replaced by the networks technology not Brax (except for the  which we replace at the campaign level). Here is a screenshot of how it should be set-up:



Sweden Sprint Release Notes

  • API integration
    • V1 does not have CPC scheduling
    • You do have the ability to manage block lists
  • Publisher performance by campaign for Outbrain, Taboola and Revcontent
    • Some return widget id, some return section ID
  • Set CPC by Ad - Outbrain only
    • This is on the campaign edit screen of any Outbrain campaign next to the CPC box
    • From ad performance, have it sorted down to the specific campaign. It will show CPC column and you can edit it there
    • Will show EDIT if not set, number if set, dash if not enabled.
  • Yahoo image cropping
    • Creating new ads for Yahoo, we raised the max image size.
    • When uploading a large image size, you can crop for the small size and it allows for color changing.
    • New required fields
  • Preview size in ad creation matches recommended size (best practice)
    • The preview is now more accurate in the sense of how it will be shown on the internet
  • Currency can now be set in account settings (US Dollar is default)
  • Email alerts for campaign schedule failures
    • It alerts when when one of the followng fails: Budget, CPC and Disable / Enabling Campaigns
    • Gives the reason such as above the limit, below the limit, API is down
    • Opt-in feature, we do not spam you by default.
  • Campaign & ad exports now include graph data
  • Schedule campaign pausing (enable / disable)
    • Ability to disable and enable campaign in our campaign scheduler.
    • You can still change CPC and budget during disabled and you can overlap.
  • Max image upload size increased to 5 MB